artf0rum weblog

What is this? And why are you here?

To answer these questions as plainly as possible:

artf0rum was created out of participating and observing netart spaces and being interested in how personal brands and power users have homogenized (yah, sorry, but we think so) creative spaces through visibility.

this is not really a new concept when you consider how the art world functions IRL, but for some reason people think things are different online, and we may or may not disagree.

whether this site fails to find a community, or if it entertains at least a dozen people during their work day we will continue to wonder:

what could happen to conversations, scenes, and aesthetics if individual identity was not so central?

this is not some sort of anti-identity politics, post-racism, post-internet, post-feminist proposal, merely an opportunity to reclaim online activity in a space with more freedom and less infrastructure than popular social networking channels.

we want to write more about these ideas, but for now hope this is enough for you to be interested in spending your time and sharing your words with us.

We were inspired by the following ideas:

to view articles below join
This review written by Michelle White
Networks as Social Networks: Collaborative Work, Telework, and Virtual Community by Barry Wellman, Janet Salaff, Dimitrina Dimitrova, Laura Garton, Milena Gulia and Caroline Haythornthwaite
Virtual Encounters: Community or Collaboration on the Internet? by Linda Carroli

and a lot lot more...